Keeping Accountability

Accountability is defined in the Merriam- Webster Dictionary as: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions. To reach any goal that we set, we all need some form of accountability to achieve it. Each person has a different goal they want to eventually get to. For example, spending less money, less screen time, working out more, eating healthier, and the list goes on. You may believe that in attaining your goal it will look like the left side represented below. However, we all know that in reality, it ends up looking like the picture on the right. Am I correct?


So what is the key to accountability? It is simple, you will need to team up with a person or join a group to hold yourself accountable. By surrounding ourselves with a person or group of people who are striving for the same goal, will set each of person up for success. Why not be in a win/win situation….you help someone and they help you! I have personally found it difficult to be consistent without being held accountable. It has been said that it takes 21 days to create a new habit or eliminate a bad one.

Let’s take a look on this side of the fence, you decide that you want to get up early each morning to get into the gym and workout. You set an alarm and for a while you are getting up every day and heading to gym. You are even proud of yourself for sticking to your goals. Then one day you oversleep and you decide not to go to the gym. This causes you to fall off the wagon and you stop getting up and going to the gym. Eventually you don’t go at all. Having no one to hold you accountable causes you to never reach your fitness goals.

Now on the other side of the fence, you find an accountability person who will meet you at the gym. You set an alarm and now have a person that will be there along with you to workout. And if it happens if you oversleep, you will be getting a phone call from them telling you to get your booty to the gym! So having an accountability partner will be there to push you. And you will be there to push them. What a great feeling it will be to be able to reach your goal and helping someone else do the same.

If you can’t find a person to be there to help you work out in the flesh, get involved in a group that can help you. I have a Facebook group set up one that is linked to my fitness page. If you want to join just click this link, One Body, One Mission- Training with Renee Accountability Group. It is a group that is a safe place with no judgment. You can share your fitness and health goals with everyone. Ask for suggestions or help. Share recipes, workouts, motivation quotes, and success stories. We are there to help each other when we hit that bump in the road or fall off of the wagon and need some encouragement. The key is that we are not there to judge each other. We are all going to have good and bad days. Staying fit and healthy is a lifestyle. It is not always and easy one to stick to.

With all of that said, we can’t forget that you need some form of self-accountability. It all starts with you. You need to take that first step to make the commitment of reaching a specific fitness and/or health goal. A lot of hard work, determination, and dedication is needed to keep on the path you want to be on. You can come up with a great plan and then fall right off. This is when all of those excuses start to slip in to try and justify why you can’t do something. The fact is that you need to remind yourself that you are capable of doing anything! Nine chances out of ten the only person that is standing in the way of you and your goal….is you!

When it comes to setting your goals, make them reasonable. Setting them too high in a short amount of time may not be attainable. Why not treat yourself to something special that you have been wanting when you do reach that goal. Having an incentive may make you want to work harder. Or even get a jar and put one dollar in with every workout you complete. Can you imagine what you can do with all that doe by the end of the year? Hello shopping trip!! I was on Pinterest the other day and found this gem below. Just by putting post its where you see them every day can help you get into a habit of working out each day. Remember it takes 21 days to be consistent with something. This is a great way to keep yourself accountable.

post it

To Workout While Sick or Not?

Brace yourself, officially it’s the start of the flu season and it can come out of nowhere. Wherever you are in your workout routine, you find yourself debating on whether you should continue the workout of just rest.

Let’s face it, there seems to be two outcomes when you’re dealing with the flu. Either you’re able to push through the day or you feel like you are lying on death’s doorstep. From personal experience, I find the key is to listen to your body and to react appropriately to the symptoms you are dealing with. You may be able to workout while dealing with certain flu symptoms. In fact, it may help you feel better if you do decide to workout. However, working out while you are weak could do more damage than good.

If you are dealing with symptoms that may include a runny nose, sore throat; a little coughing and sneezing…..I personally would workout. A workout with a low to moderate intensity would be fine and may help fight off these symptoms of the flu. I would suggest something light; maybe do yoga or Pilates. Working out at home would be your best option if possible. Many helpful programs like PIYO are available on DVD. You can also find a ton of useful videos on YouTube and it’s free! An added benefit of staying at home will keep you from spreading those nasty germs to others members in the gym. However, if you are like some people I know, make sure you wipe down every piece of equipment you use, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, and wash your hands regularly if you do decide to workout. For the first 10 minutes gage how you are feeling. Continue your workout if you feel fine after 10 minutes. But if you feel worse than when you started, stop immediately. Go and rest! Listen to your body.

Now on the other hand, if you are suffering with symptoms that include: an intense cough, fever, vomiting and diarrhea; do not workout. Your body is putting up a fight to get you better. Working out while you are weak will keep your body from healing. I promise the world will not end if you miss a workout. Just let the virus run its course. You can always get back on track once you start to feel better.

There are a few things you may want to remember when you are sick. Number one, listen to your body. If you are not careful and ignore what it is telling you, your goals may be thrown way off track. You may just cause your recovery time could be prolonged. Second, hydrate! It is recommended to drink clear fluids. Water is known to help flush the toxins that are attacking your body. Third, be cautious with what you are eating. Stay away from foods high in sugars and fats. You do not want to eat items that will just make you feel worse. A good term to remember is BRAT: bananas, rice, apples, and toast. These things along with clear soups would be good to eat when you are sick. Finally, get plenty of sleep. Resting allows your body the strength to knock out what is attacking it. Try using an air humidifier while you sleep also. I know that using one while anyone in our home is sick, helps with breaking up some of the junk that can get into your chest. If you are still feeling bad or start to get worse after 2 weeks, I highly suggest in going see your doctor. There could be a chance that it’s more than just the regular flu.

I pray that this flu and cold season is kind to you all! No one likes to get sick. Remember, there are a few things that you could do to possibly help protect yourself from getting sick. Make sure to wash your hands regularly, along with using hand – sanitizer. Get your daily dose of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Eat some fruits and veggies high in antioxidants such as: citrus fruit, berries, dark leafy veggie (spinach and kale), carrots, and sweet potatoes. Also make sure you are getting plenty of rest. Most of us do not get enough rest. That eventually catches up with us. A weak immune system is ideal for germs to attack.

My conclusion, if you feel like you can make it through a workout, do it. If you are not feeling up for it, do not go. Rest is best. Simple enough right?